God bless the USA

The second you step a foot into foreign land (as an immigrant), you lose a piece of your identity. And it is a big piece – crucial in fact – it’s part of your humanity. This loss can be irreversible.

As an immigrant (specially one in need), the average native will either despise you or pity you and try to protect you. It is rare to find a native that will do neither of those things; this rare person would see you as a human, not an alien, not a poor victim, nor an invader. If you want to become part of the system you must become one of two things:

A submissive, quiet ghost – You shut up and keep to yourself, try your hardest not to bother the natives. Keep within your community in silence. You behave like you’re worth significantly less than the natives, because in your mind you are.

A bold, contrarian asshole – You earn the respect of those who thought you were a different species. They will look at you and say “hey, you’re not like the others. You’re almost like one of us.” And you blend in with ease. As a token, as a miracle of sorts, with a real voice.

If you don’t become either of those things, you won’t have control of your identity. You’ll become whatever the natives will make you out to be: a victim, an alien, a pest, a fetish. And no matter how much you try to be yourself, no one will be able to see through your psyche. You’re a concept, an idea, and often a problem. No matter which path you choose to take (or choose not to take) you’ll destroy yourself slowly. The longer the time you spend being an immigrant, the less you’ll be able to recognize yourself.

An immigrant can only be from a third world country, there will never be such a thing as an European immigrant; not in the eyes of Americans at least. Those from the first world will keep their identity, they’ll be respected and listened to carefully. In the planes of the beautiful American lands, those from the first world reign as superior – no doubt about it.


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