People entries - mixed to negative
Not only are you unapologetic about your wrongdoings, you take pride in such things. You smile mischievously, somehow getting away with a lot of things that would be considered unacceptable nowadays. Had these things been done by someone else, the hypothetical person would have been relentlessly punished by society. You are poison.
An undeniable force of nature; unintentionally belittling.
To be thankless is a paradoxical gift – I admire that about you. I can see it being the sort of thing that saves time and energy, the mind has more room to wander and remorse can become irrelevant; freeing you from that uncomfortable state of mind that could become confrontational if it was part of your brain chemistry, but it’s not… thank God, right? I hope we never cross paths again.
Undeniable talent eclipsed by your sadness. In you there is a man in control, you need to let him out and unleash that power. You feel safe and sturdy, but I’m afraid your emotions might be getting in the way of your success.
Foolishly thinking with your dick, and that’s alright. I think with my dick often too, but never to the impressive extent that you do. To love pussy is one thing, to betray for, destroy for, and be enslaved by pussy is another; free yourself. I really wish I understood what’s going on in your mind; what you tell yourself, and how you live with it. I can’t imagine it being fun.
Impressively sloppy at your attempts to sabotage, just like 201212081.
There is the truth, traveling as light. Then there is the prism that is your desire to be relevant to toxicity itself. Laser sharp, blinding, and a fire hazard.
Air Force veteran driven by illusive raw masculinity. Unfortunately, your own ambition has failed you terribly. You used to draw airborne emblems whenever and wherever possible as some form of reminder to everyone that you, as a man, were useful, strong, and capable.
Sharp, charismatic, rule abiding Christian man and child molester – you have always been a good point of reference to me. A blessing in disguise. It’s because of you that I have such a clear idea of the things I choose to tolerate in people. You taught me the cues and hints of what makes a person a terrible human being.